
prime minister

May Day Message – Prime Minister Ranil Wickramasinghe

Human labour is widely recognised and valued with the communication and technological advancement in the present world. Workers are not merely the labourers or...

Sacred Relics of the Buddha to be displayed at Temple Trees from Today

The public Exposition of the Sacred Relics of Guathama Buddha brought from Saranath Mulaghandha kuti temple in India and Taxila Pakistan began at Temple...

Prime Minister’s Vesak Day message

Dhamma or the teachings of Buddha is a purifying factor for the human mind propelled by lust, hate and violence. The pious festival of...

New Prime minister in Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan’s parliament named Mukhammedkaliy Abylgaziyev prime minister on Friday after his nomination by the Social Democratic party which leads the ruling coalition. Abylgaziyev, previously chief...