The elderly must be protected like our children – PM


Taking care of the elderly counts the same as protecting our children, because both childhood and old age are two important stages of life where assistance, love and protection are needed more than in any other stage of life.

This uniqueness found in children and the elderly is highlighted by the act of designating World Children’s Day and the International Day of Older Persons on the same day, by the United Nations.

Older people deserve equal respect and acknowledgement for their dedication and commitment to contributing to a world free from fear and free from want. A robust arrangement must exist to ensure our senior citizens are well protected and cared for and to make sure that their needs are addressed. Children need to be strengthened to move forward in achieving their goals without being overwhelmed by emerging challenges. Providing them with the best education, health care and other facilities has been the priority of this government in its efforts to brighten their future.
I believe that our collective endeavours will assure a secure world for both our children and our senior citizens.

Ranil Wickremesinghe


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