The Port of Colombo is ranked as world’s number one


The Port of Colombo is ranked as world’s number one container growth port among the top 30 container ports for the first half of 2018.In container handling Port of Colombo has recorded a 15.6% growth for the first half of 2018 over same period last year according to Alphaliner Monthly 2018.

It is also a very significant achievement as it is the first time in history the Port of Colombo reaches the top of a global maritime ranking. With this growth, Port of Colombo has leaped ahead many other Asian Ports, Major European Ports and Dubai as well.

The Drewry Port Connectivity Index at its most recent release had ranked the Port of Colombo as the 13th best Connectivity Port in the world for the 4th quarter 2017, up by 05 places from its previous positioning of ranks. According to the rankings the Port of Colombo is also the top best connectivity port in South Asia. For its dedicated performance to up lift the position of the Port of Colombo in the world maritime map, Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) was awarded the Ports Authority of the Year Award by the Global Ports Forum (GPF) in 2018

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