World Bank commits US$ 200 million to elevate Sri Lanka’s public health services


The World Bank has committed US$ 200 million to upgrade the standards of performance of Sri Lanka’s public health system under the Second Health Sector Development Project for Sri Lanka. Minister of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine Dr. Rajitha Senaratne announced the World Bank’s support to the project at the closing ceremony of the Second Health Sector Development Project held Sunday in Colombo.

The development objective of the project is to enable it to better respond to the challenges of malnutrition and non-communicable diseases.The World Bank is supporting the project with $200 million in financing from the International Development Association (IDA).

The project includes two components. The first component provides support to priority areas under the National Health Development Plan. This component covers multiple areas: addressing maternal and child health and nutrition; improving the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases; health systems improvement. The second component of the project focuses on innovation, results monitoring and capacity-building.


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