Defence Secretary Maj.Gen. (Retd) Kamal Gunaratne said the Special Task Force, commonly known as the STF, has a major role to play in countering extremism and organised crimes, including drug mafia.
Addressing the STF troops during his maiden visit since he commended the contribution given by the STF in maintaining national security, he said the STF had consistently proved its talents and professionalism in counter-terrorism and busting drug trafficking.
According to the Defence Ministry website Maj.Gen. (Retd) Kamal Gunaratne said the STF, which is the elite force of the Police, would be in high demand not only as a law enforcement authority but also as a trained force in fighting against organised crimes.
The Defence Secretary, who recalled his three-decade long experience as a decorated military officer, said the STF troops were specially trained soldiers who had demonstrated their professionalism as an elite force during the war and also pronounced their lethality and efficiency in the ongoing fight against drugs and narcotics.
Maj.Gen. Gunaratne also highlighted the importance of uniting all intelligence agencies, which worked in isolation during the last regime, under the instructions of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa to revive the network to maintain the national security.