Reveal details of PCoI report on Easter Sunday attacks: Cardinal


Colombo’s Archbishop His Eminence Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith today urged President Gotabaya Rajapaksa to reveal to the country what the Presidential Commission which probed the Easter Sunday attacks had said in its report.

Cardinal Ranjith made this request during a service which was held at All Saints Church Borella to mark Independence Day.

“ We have been told that the commission which probed the Easter Sunday attacks had been handed over its report to the President. We request the President to reveal the conclusions and recommendations of this report to the nation initially. Action should be taken against those who are responsible for the attacks thereafter. None of us will be able to live in this nation if the report is swept under the carpet,” Cardinal said.

“Independence from foreign rule was an opportunity given to our nation to be a free nation and to decide our future freely. However it is visible that actions of some have made our country a battlefield of global powers. This should not be the case,” he said.

Issuing a message for the Independence Day earlier, the Cardinal said Sri Lanka is a nation which has been nourished by the teachings of Buddha for 2500 years while it has influenced by other faiths such as Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. “However our country has also embraced cultures which are unsuitable to us as a result of colonialism and through neo-liberalism. We have begun to value other things rather than what is indigenous. Gaining wealth has become the prime goal rather than justice. Therefore let us make our independence to build up peace , brotherhood and equality,” he said.

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