Ranjan produced before Govt. Analyst for voice test


UNP Parliamentarian Ranjan Ramanayake has left the Government Analyst’s Department after carrying out a voice test as ordered by the court.

UNP MP Ranjan Ramanayake, who is in remand custody, has been produced before the Government Analyst for a voice test.

He was brought to the Government Analyst’s Department in Pelawatte, Battaramulla at around 10.30 am this morning (07), according to our reporter.

This is with regard to the audio tapes of the series of controversial phone conversations that the parliamentarian has had with several high-profile government officers including judges, politicians and influential figures in the country, which came to light following his arrest in early January this year.

He was produced before court and granted bail on January 5th.

However, as the controversial phone recordings continued to stir controversy, the Nugegoda Magistrate’s Court, on January 14, issued a warrant to arrest the parliamentarian over the offences committed in terms of Article 111C (2) of the Constitution, for interference with the functions judges.

The Colombo Crimes Division (CCD) then placed MP Ramanayake under arrest as per the warrant issued by the court.

The Government Analyst’s Department, on January 13, commenced investigations on the recordings of MP Ranjan Ramanayake’s controversial telephone conversations. Nugegoda Magistrate’s Court had ordered the CCD to hand over the relevant electronic equipment to the Government Analyst’s Department.

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