Prime Minister issues May Day message


Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa has issued a message in light of this year’s May Day.

In his message the Prime Minister states, this year, workers all over the world have to celebrate May Day in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Although the marches and meetings that demonstrated the workers’ strength and unity are not taking place, we have a way of demonstrating our strength and unity. That is by giving the encouragement and assistance of the working population to those battling to eradicate the pandemic by following the rules laid down by the health authorities”, the Prime Minister said.

The Prime Minister has also spoken of the challenges the Covid-19 pandemic presents to the working population.

“Making the working population aware of these challenges on a day like today will help overcome these challenges. The responsibility of safeguarding the working population of hundreds of thousands in these sectors rests with the government”, the Prime Minister highlights.

Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa also pointed out that the Covid-19 pandemic is bringing into question the viability of the open economic system accepted by the world so far.

” The pandemic is also teaching us that Sri Lanka too should change the economic policy followed by us so far”, the Prime Minister said.

Finally, the Prime Minister in his May Day message notes that the Covid-19 pandemic has taught us that we have to place our faith in a unique economic policy and a self-sufficient economy as a solution to the emerging situation.

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