President Maithripala Sirisena opened the ‘Bosath Mapiya Sevana’ built in Ethagama, Kalutara, to provide shelter to the parents who sacrificed their children for the benefit of Buddha Sasanaya, yesterday (08th). This centre was built according to a concept of the Chief Incumbent of the Payagala Malegoda Sri Pushparama Vihara and the Bentota Walallawita Region Chief Sanganayaka Ven. Malegoda Nanda Thero.
This Centre which is built in two and a half acres of land can accommodate around 50 persons. The President who unveiled the commemoration plaque and opened the “Bosath Mapiya Sewana” Centre went on an observational visit.President Sirisena also presented a memento to Ms. Ghana De Silva who contributed with monetary aid to build this centre. The memento was received by her son.