Post disaster relief work begun by sri lanka navy


Close on the heels of providing rescue and relief assistance in the aftermath of the weather calamity during the last week, security forces personnel are working to restore civil life in the affected regions.With the slowing down of the heavy showers, flood waters have begun to recede in areas that were inundated during the past several days. Affected people are returning to their homes and have begun to pick up the pieces and resume their day to day activities.

As a part of post disaster response, Navy troops have begun to provide assistance to flood affected communities to access one of the most basic needs; clean water. With most of the water sources being contaminated with flood water people were facing difficulty in drawing clean water for consumption.

Navy relief teams equipped with pumping equipment have already cleaned more than 250 wells in Horana, Kalutara, Agalawatta, Gampaha, Bopitiya, Puttalam and Nattandiya areas. These efforts are carried out in keeping with proper safety and sanitary standards as affected areas are exposed to serious health hazards during post flood situations. Navy had also installed a mobile Reverse Osmosis plant to provide safe drinking water to the communities in Nattandiya. Meanwhile, Naval troops in the Northern peninsula had conducted a field medical clinic at the Community Cultural Center in Delft Island on Tuesday (29).

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