Minister of Education Akila Viraj Kariyawasam has been summoned to appear before the Presidential Commission appointed to probe allegations of corruption and fraud at state institutions over the past 4 years, today (2 September). The Minister has been summoned to provide a statement with regard to the ongoing disciplinary inquiry on the Supply Director of the Ministry, I. M. K. B. Ilangasinghe.
Minister Kariyawasam has been summoned because of a complaint lodged by the Supply Director to the Commission stating that a disciplinary inquiry has been launched against him, by the Minister of Education with malicious intent. During a previous investigation, the Minister’s decision to have his photograph printed on school textbooks, it was revealed that Minister Kariyawasam had transferred the Supply Director after the he had provided evidence on the case.
However, following investigations, the Presidential Commission ordered that the transferred individual be reinstated as the Supply Director of the Ministry of Education. The Commission stated that the disciplinary inquiry was called on by Minister Akila Viraj Kariyawasam against the same individual following this incident.