Eight suspects, including mathematics tutor Dinesh Nuwan Amaratunga, who surrendered to the court over an alleged attack on a van at Kalagedihena, has been remanded till July 29 by the Attanagalle Magistrate’s Court today.
The Police said the mathematics tutor and three others surrendered to the Attanagalle Magistrate’s Court today over the incident.
Four suspects were arrested over the incident after they surrendered to the Colombo Crimes Division (CCD) earlier.
The incident was reported from Kalagedihena on Thursday in which the suspect’s private security personnel had attacked a van for allegedly not allowing their convoy to overtake.
The attack, captured on camera, had taken place on the Colombo – Kandy Main Road at Kalagedihena and the footage also shows that a Prado vehicle (CAG-0550) and a Defender (CAD-8850) were involved in the incident.
It was revealed that the Prado is registered under the name of Dinesh Nuwan Amaratunga who is a resident of Ingiriya, while the Defender is registered under the name of Udam Indula Sampath Bandara Amaratunga, also from Ingiriya.
The Defender was found from Elhena Road Maharagama on Friday.