Former Chairman of Tangalle Pradeshiya Sabha Sampath Pushpa Vidanapathirana and two others, who were sentenced over the murder of British national Khuram Shaikh and the rape of his Russian partner in 2012, have withdrawn their appeals challenging the court’s verdict in the case.
The appeals were taken up before the Court of Appeal Judges Shiran Gunaratne and Priyantha Fernando today (13).
The attorney representing the defendants informed the court that his clients are ready to withdraw the appeals challenging the 20-year rigorous imprisonment imposed on them.
Accordingly, the Appeals Court allowed the defendants to withdraw their appeals and ordered the Colombo High Court’s verdict to be enforced from the day it was issued.
However, as one of the defendants has not withdrawn his appeal against the verdict, the Appeals Court ordered to take it up on July 24th.
The case against the former Chairman of Tangalle Pradeshiya Sabha and four others was filed over the alleged murder of a British national named Khuram Shaikh, and sexually harassment of his Russian girlfriend on 24th December 2011, at a restaurant located in Tangalle.
Colombo High Court subsequently imposed 20-year rigorous imprisonment on the five defendants.
Claiming the verdict of the Colombo High Court to be illegal, the defendants had appealed the Court of Appeal, seeking an order to acquit them from all of the charges against them.