GL claims Swiss embassy incident a conspiracy against govt


Sri Lanka’s former foreign minister Prof. G.L. Peiris claims that the incident involving a local staff member of the Swiss Embassy in Colombo is a conspiracy aimed at discrediting the incumbent government.


“It has been clearly proven that the complete story of the Swiss Embassy incident is a lie,” he said, speaking to reporters.

He stated that based on the CCTV footage and other technological evidence, the female embassy staffer in question had never been at the location where they claimed she had been at that time and that it has now been proven that “there is absolutely no truth to the story”.

Peiris, who is the Chairman of the Sri Lank Podujana Peramuna (SLPP), the main constituent party of the ruling alliance, alleged that this was an attempt to discredit the government as soon as it started work.

Especially as the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva is scheduled to meet in March 2020 serious allegations could be leveled against Sri Lanka, he charged while adding that they see this as a secret plot to obstruct the government’s path at the get go.

He said the current government has the strength to defeat all these obstacles and move forward.

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