Finance Minister discusses Sri Lanka’s development and investment activities with Canada


Mr. David Hartman, Director General for South Asia at Global Affairs Canada, together with David McKinnon, High Commissioner of Canada to Sri Lanka, met with the Minister of Finance and Media, Hon. Mangala Samaraweera, at the Treasury, yesterday (25th). The discussion focused on deeper participation of Canadian Government and Canadian businesses in Sri Lanka’s development, investment and reconciliation process.

Mr. David Hartman was accompanied by Ms. Jen Hart, Political Counsellor, Mr. William Brown – Vice President, Export Development Canada (EDC), Ms. Yvonne Chin – Director Asia, Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC) and Ms. Avanti Coonghe – Trade Commissioner, High Commission of Canada.

Senior Advisor to the Hon. Minister of Finance and Media, Mr. Mano Tittawella and the Secretary to the Ministry of Finance and Media Dr. R.H.S. Samaratunga also participated in the discussion. Global Affairs Canada manages Canada’s diplomatic and consular relations, promotes the country’s international trade and leads Canada’s international development and humanitarian assistance.

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