April 2018 tea exports up from last year


Sri Lanka earned a high Rs. 74.1 billion from tea exports during the four month period in 2018, and is up 7% on the previous year figure of 69.2 Mnkg.This converts to USD value of $ 478 million which is only second to the 2014 record of $ 508.7 million and well up on 2017 figure of $ 458.2 million, according to Asia Siyaka tea market report.

Sri Lanka shipped 20.8 Mnkg of tea in April 2018, up 4% on last year’s figure of 20.1 Mnkg. Tea exports for January – April have reached 89.7 Mnkg against 88.5 Mnkg during the same period the year before.Russia / CIS have absorbed the highest quantity of 16.9 Mnkg, but lower than the last year’s figure of 17.8 Mnkg. Iraq has imported 11.7 Mnkg against 10 Mnkg during the period January – April 2017 a gain of 17%. Shipments through Turkey have risen from 9.5 Mnkg to 11.3 Mnkg, +18%. Exports to Iran however have dropped 13% from 8 Mnk g to 7 Mnkg.

Similarly UAE imports have declined from 4.9 Mnkg during January – April 2017 to 4.2 Mnkg this year. The Syrian position has improved to 3.4 Mnkg against 2.2 Mnkg a year before. China’s imports continue to rise with a figure of 3.3 Mnkg,+29% against 2.5 Mnkg the year before. Libyan imports have dropped to 2.2 Mnkg from 3.9 Mnkg the year before.

Chile has seen a small negative change to 2.2 Mnkg against 2.4 Mnkg. Following the various technical issues, exports to Japan have dropped 16% from 2.5 Mnkg to 2.1 Mnkg this year. Germany follows 1.8 Mnkg and Saudi Arabia 1.7 Mnkg.This is a welcome improvement to the high value market Saudi Arabia with a 44% YoY gain

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