Aircraft catches on fire at Mattala Airport


A fire had broken out this morning (26) in the engine of a private aircraft set to depart for Oman from Mattala Rajapaksa International Airport, stated the airport officer-in-charge.

The relevant aircraft is an Antonov-12 type, two-engine transport aircraft produced in Russia.

The aircraft in question had been en route to Salalah International Airport in Oman from Bangkok, Thailand when disembark at the Mattala Airport to fill up aviation fuel.

Seven staff officers, including the two pilots, had been inside the aircraft at the time of the incident, however, none of them have sustained injuries.

The fire had broken out when the aircraft was set to depart for Oman at 8.30 a.m. after filling up the aircraft engine.

Reportedly, the fire brigade of Mattala Airport had doused the fire.

The airport officer-in-charge stated that the aircraft would be directed either for departure or reparation based on the recommendation of the officers of the Civil Aviation Department.

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