Filmmaker mahesh bhatt, who is all set to don the director’s hat once again with his upcoming project ‘Sadak 2’ starring alia bhatt, aditya roy kapur, sanjay dutt, pooja bhatt and Makarand Deshpande is all set to release on 10th July next year.
The film which is a sequel to 1991 film ‘Sadak’ will mark the first collaboration between the father-daughter duo. Talking about the film, Alia had revealed that the film takes forward the story of Ravi and Pooja and she and Aditya will be a new addition to the story.
While the shooting of the film is already underway, Alia had shared a picture on social media regarding it. We are eager to see how the father-daughter will weave their magic on the silver screen.
While ‘Sadak’ was a romantic thriller revolving around a taxi driver and a woman forced into prostitution, ‘Sadak 2’ is reportedly said to showcase Alia exposing a fake guru who runs an ashram.