There has been a lot of speculation about the Telugu film ‘Maharshi’ is likely to be remade in Hindi. The Hindi remake will be directed by Prabhu Deva who is well known for directing wanted, Rowdy Rathore, Ramaiya Vastavaiya, Sing Is Bling, Dabangg 3, R Rajkumar and Action Jackson.
Bollywood super star salman khan will be reprising the role of Mahesh Babu in the Hindi remake. Salman is reportedly all set to watch the film along with Prabhu Deva and if he likes it he would give his nod to do the remake. This is not the first time Salman has starred in Hindi remakes of Telugu flicks. He was part of some of the blockbuster Hindi remakes including Wanted, Ready, Kick and Stalin. They were brilliantly remade in Bollywood, aren’t they? Well, we have to wait for an official word from its makers.
While Mahesh Babu plays the hero, it has pooja hegde as his female lead. Devi Sri Prasad had composed music for ‘Maharshi’ and the songs in it turned out to be massive hits. ‘Maharshi’ has jointly been bankrolled by Sri Venkateswara Creations, Vyjayanthi Movies and PVP Cinema. It was made on a budget of Rs. 75 crore and went on to enter the Rs 100 crore club.