Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift and More Celebs Send Encouraging Words to Fans Amid Coronavirus Fears


As the outbreak of covid-19 commonly known as coronavirus , continues to sweep the globe, many states and cities are implementing aggressive social distancing regulations and encouraging people to self-isolate as much as possible to help slow the rapid spread of the illness.

The new rules and regulations have been met with varying degrees of cooperation from the public, and many celebs are using their down time to encourage their fans, followers and friends to start taking this whole thing more seriously, and to help the most vulnerable in our society whenever possible.

Lady Gaga took to Instagram on Sunday to share a message about how this experience is a reminder that we are all part of a global community, and emphasized the need to be considerate and compassionate.

“This is reminding I think a lot of us what it is to both feel like and be a human being. I think it’s so important to acknowledge that we are and must be a global kind singular community,” she wrote. “We can’t do this without kindness. And corona virus is not prejudiced.”

“My thought for the day is to accept there will be times we feel powerless and out of control—but we can fill that space with kindness and be a part of the solution to a world problem. We then have control,” she added. “We can create healing by learning how to be kind and take care of each other and ourselves during this time.”

Gaga previously shared a post on Saturday in which she explained the importance of staying home and essentially staying in self-quarantine to fight the illness.

“So I talked to some doctors and scientists. It’s not the easiest for everyone right now but the kindest/healthiest thing we can do is self-quarantine and not hang out with people over 65 and in large groups. I wish I could see my parents and grandmas right now but it’s much safer to not so I don’t get them sick in case I have it,” she wrote. “I’m hanging at home with my dogs. I love you world, we’ll all get through this. Trust me, I talked to God —she said we’re gonna be ok.”

Taylor Swift took to her Instagram story on Sunday to beg her fans to try and isolate themselves for the time being, explaining, “It’s a really scary time but we need to make social sacrifices right now.”

“I follow you online and I love you guys so much and I need to express my concern that things aren’t being taken seriously enough right now. I’m seeing a lot of get togethers and hangs and parties still happening,” Swift wrote. “This is the time to cancel plans, actually truly isolate as much as you can, and don’t assume that because you don’t feel sick that you aren’t possibly passing something on to someone elderly or vulnerable to this.”

a screenshot of a cell phone: Taylor Swift/Instagram

miley cyrus meanwhile, took to Twitter to encourage people to stop hoarding goods and to consider the health and well-being of others who also need access to toilet paper, face masks and bread.

“Be thoughtful. Respectful. Compassionate. HUMAN. while preparing for social distancing…. NO ONE needs every soup in the store, The more we hoard the more expensive and sparse necessities will become, leaving many without essentials. This is a great time to practice restraint…” she tweeted. “It’s incredibly difficult to make smart decisions while panicking, but think twice before following the fear and being inconsiderate. There is enough to go around if we take care of one another. This is a beautiful time to LEAD!”

Justin Timberlake took to his Instagram Story as well to encourage people to donate their money and their time if possible to help those in need, especially in this trying time where uncertainty reigns and money will soon be tighter than ever for many.

“This is a crazy time, but remember we’re all in it together,” Timberlake posted. “Start small and support your local communities by getting food out to those in need. I’m donating to @midsouthfoodbank an organization in my hometown that is helping people assemble and deliver nonperishable food in the Mid-South, so families can be prepared to stay home. Every. little. thing. helps.”

“Stay healthy, stay calm, and help everyone stay fed,” he concluded.

a screenshot of a cell phone screen with text: Justin Timberlake/Instagram

Ben Affleck shared a similar message, sharing a call-to-action to his Instagram story.

“During these times of uncertainty, I’m thinking about our most vulnerable populations – children who are losing access to the meals they rely on, our friends and family who are facing job disruptions, the elderly, and low-income families,” the actor wrote. “Join me in supporting @FeedingAmerica, the nationwide network of 200 food banks working tirelessly to feed our neighbors around the country.”

Ariana Grande shared a note to her followers, encouraging them to care more about others amid the pandemic. The flu-like virus is deadly in its most extreme cases, with senior citizens and people with chronic medical conditions at higher risk.

“I keep hearing from a surprising amount of people statements like ‘this isn’t a big deal’ / ‘we’ll be fine’… ‘we still have to go about our lives’ and it’s really blowing my mind,” Grande began. “I understand if that is how u felt weeks ago. but please read about what’s going on. please don’t turn a blind eye.”

“It is incredibly dangerous and selfish to take this situation that lightly,” she wrote. “The ‘we will be find because we’re young’ mindset is putting people who aren’t young and / or healthy in a lot of danger. you sound stupid and privileged and you need to care more about others. like now.”


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