Indoo Ki Jawani, starring Kiara Advani in the lead role, is a ‘coming-of-age comedy and will see the actor playing the role of Indoo Gupta, a fiesty girl from Ghaziabad whose left and right swipes with a dating app results in hilarious chaos.’
Kiara Advani is excited for her next film Indoo Ki Jawani. The film marks the Bollywood debut of Bengali writer-filmmaker Abir Sengupta.
According to the makers, Indoo Ki Jawani is a ‘coming-of-age comedy and will see Kiara playing the role of Indoo Gupta, a fiesty girl from Ghaziabad whose left and right swipes with a dating app results in hilarious chaos.’
Kiara Advani took to her social media accounts to share the news. “#IndooKiJawani – My first In and As. So so so excited!!! here’s to #GirlPower. Going to need all your love and support for this one❤️ My first collaboration with @emmayentertainment @nikkhiladvani Sir @madhubhojwani @onlyemmay @ashesinwind @ryanmstephen92 @abirsenguptaa and it doesn’t get more special than Indooooooo❤️,” she wrote sharing a click with the team.
Indoo Ki Jawani’s co-producers Niranjan Iyengar and Ryan Stephen are glad to have Kiara on board for the project. Ryan said, “The movie is young and funny, and sends the right message home, making it the perfect debut for us as producers.”