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Sunak Warns of Global Threats and Urges Increased Defense Spending Ahead of Election

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak issued a stark warning about a potential "axis of authoritarian states" during a speech on Monday, as he campaigns...

Russian President Putin to Visit China for Bilateral Talks with Xi Jinping

During his visit, starting on Thursday, Putin will meet with Chinese leader Xi Jinping to discuss "cooperation in various fields of bilateral relations ......

Duminda Dissanayake Challenges Appointment of Wijedasa Rajapakshe as SLFP Chairman

Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) Parliamentarian Duminda Dissanayake has filed legal action in the Colombo District Court against the appointment of Minister Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe...

IFC Poised to Boost Investments in Sri Lanka Amid Positive Economic Outlook

The International Finance Corporation’s (IFC) Asia Pacific Vice President, Riccardo Puliti, recently expressed the IFC's readiness to increase investments in Sri Lanka, buoyed by...

Ghost Shark and Manta Ray: Cutting-Edge Undersea Drones Unveiled by the US and Australia

Ghost Shark and Manta Ray may sound like characters from a future Marvel film, but they actually represent potential advancements in Pacific naval defenses. These...

Showery conditions to enhance during next few days

Due to a low-level atmospheric disturbance in the vicinity of Sri Lanka, showery condition is expected to be enhanced during the next few days. Showers...

Heavy showers expected in several provinces

Showers or thundershowers will occur at several places in Western, Sabaragamuwa, Central, Southern, North-western and Uva provinces after 1.00 p.m. Showers or thundershowers may...

Deadline for accepting of donations to Gaza Fund extended till May 31

The deadline for the Children of Gaza Fund, initiated by President Ranil Wickremesinghe to aid those affected by conflicts in Gaza, has now been...

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