Sri Lanka Railways on Wednesday (11) said trains operating from Beliatta, Kandy, Mahawa, Puttalam and Avissawella will be permitted to operate to the Fort Railway Station on Thursday (12) morning.
However, the evening train services will operate only until the final train station located along the respective route in the Western Province.
Accordingly, trains will only operate from Colombo Fort to Aluthgama, Ambepussa, Kochchikade and Avissawella railway stations.
Passengers who get on-board the train from the next railway station located outside the Western Province, can travel to the final destination without an issue, said Sri Lanka Railways.
It further added, the restrictions imposed on the government preventing anyone from leaving the Western Province until midnight on Sunday (15), will not have any effect on regional trains.
The decision comes after President Gotabaya Rajapaksa instructed authorities to prevent the public in the Western Province from leaving or anyone from outside entering in order to contain the spread of the coronavirus.