Long distance buses to Colombo temporarily suspended


All long-distance buses heading to Colombo will be suspended until further notice, the State Minister of Transport, Dilum Amunugama, said.

This decision has been taken due to the curfew imposed on several police areas in Colombo following the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the State Minister pointed out.

“Due to the current situation in Colombo, the health sector has instructed us to cancel long-distance bus services to Colombo.

This means that if there was a long-distance service to Colombo – SLTB or private – they would not depart from the beginning point itself. Previously, if there was a curfew beyond Nittambuwa, the buses would travel to Nittambuwa. Not now. Those bus journeys have been canceled from the beginning. This applies to all SLTB and private buses.

One reason for this is all bus stands in Fort falling under curfew areas.”

In addition, the Head Offices of the Department of Motor Traffic in Narahenpita and Werahera have been closed until further notice, Amunugama added.