Shah Rukh Khan’s wife gauri khan is a well-known designer and is always visited by several bollywood actors and the latest one to join the bandwagon is madhuri dixit .
Taking to Instagram, Gauri shared a series of pictures with the ‘Kalank’ actress calling herself as a ‘die-hard fan’ of the quintessential actress. Madhuri, who has featured in several blockbuster films like ‘Koyla’, ‘Dil Toh Pagal Hai’, ‘Hum Tumhare Hain Sanam’ and ‘Devdas’ alongside SRK too seems to be enjoying herself with Gauri as they posed for pictures.
Taking to Instagram, Gauri shared a series of pictures with the ‘Kalank’ actress calling herself as a ‘die-hard fan’ of the quintessential actress. Madhuri, who has featured in several blockbuster films like ‘Koyla’, ‘Dil Toh Pagal Hai’, ‘Hum Tumhare Hain Sanam’ and ‘Devdas’ alongside SRK too seems to be enjoying herself with Gauri as they posed for pictures.
Madhuri even took to Twitter to express her joy on her visit by writing “It was a pleasure @gaurikhan! Thank you?” on pictures shared by Gauri.