Tiger shroff has become Bollywood’s top action star in just five years of his debut. With each film, Tiger continues to thrill the viewers with his splendid skills.
The actor has three films in the pipeline and amongst those are ‘Baaghi 3’ and the remake of Sylvester stallone’s ‘Rambo’. Reportedly, Tiger is currently ideating with his directors Ahmed Khan and Siddharth anand on how to raise the ante with the stunts in their films.
Reports suggest that the idea is to present Tiger in a never-before-seen avatar in the ‘Rambo’ remake. Tiger has been a huge Sylvester Stallone fan since he was a kid and apparently when he was offered the remake a few years ago, he jumped on to the offer. Reportedly, he will be presented as the next big potential Hollywood star from Bollywood. The idea behind that is to make sure people in the West take notice of Tiger as he wants to do films on a global level and this could be his calling card.